In our school family, we want all children to be happy and safe. In our school, we respect all children and adults and help to keep them safe, strong and free. We do our best to help all children make good progress in their learning. We teach the children how to keep themselves safe in different situations and how to protect themselves.
Our priority is to keep all the children in our school safe. We encourage children to talk to the staff and confide in them if they have any worries. We listen carefully to children and generate a caring and considerate atmosphere where children can feel able to discuss their problems freely with others.
Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mrs K Rooke-Bruce
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads: Mrs Popplewell and Mrs Kinger
Our staff are well trained and Safeguarding procedures in school are professionally and confidentially carried out when required. Information is passed on purely on a ‘need to know basis.’
We also value the importance of equipping children with lifelong skills. Learning about how to be safe is an important part of our learning across the school.
SG002 – Trust Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy 2024-25
We are an Operation Encompass School – see the 10 Key Principles to find out more.