Our Squirrel’s after school provision will open on Monday 8th January 2024, for a trial period until 23rd July 2024. The provision will be open term time only (not including non-pupil days) on Mondays – Thursdays from 3.15pm – 5pm. The cost per session per child is £6.00. Sessions must be booked using MyChildAtSchool. Bookings must be made at least 24hrs in advance of the start of the session. No bookings can be made after this cut off time (on the day bookings will not be taken).
There will be a maximum number of children we can safely take for each session, when this has been reached MyChildAtSchool will not allow any additional children to be booked on to that session.
The terms and conditions document sets out behaviour expectations as well as information regarding booking, cancellations and more. The terms and conditions and a registration form will need to be signed and returned to the school office before your child can attends.
Our provision will offer your child a range of activities. Weather permitting the children will have opportunity to play outside. Whilst we aim to use the school hall, on occasion one of our classroom spaces will be used. Children will be provided with a small snack and water as needed. Snacks will typically be crackers, biscuits or toast. If you would like to send your child with their own snack then this is fine (polite reminder that we are a nut free school).
Children can be collected anytime between 3.15pm and 5pm by their parent/carer or a previously stated adult. Please collect your child from the main school entrance. Children will not be permitted to leave the site unaccompanied (children cannot walk home by themselves). If your child attends an afterschool club (e.g Sports club, Art club etc) the member of staff will ensure they are taken to Squirrel’s at 4.15pm if they are booked in.
To contact the Squirrels’ staff with urgent messages between the hours of 3.15pm -5pm please call 01566 232071 and leave an answerphone message. The answerphone machine will be checked periodically by Squirrels’ staff.
Bookings are open now.