Visit from Local Author

We thoroughly enjoyed our visit from local author Rob Holmes. He shared one of his stories. We…

January 2023

KS1 Construction Club

The children have been really enjoying our after school KS1 Construction Club, run by Mrs Kinger and…

November 2022

Remembrance Day

We were so lucky to have Mr Arscott to play The Last Post for us during our…

November 2022

Primary Science Quality Mark Outreach Award

We are delighted to announce that we have been awarded the Primary Science Quality Mark Outreach Award….

October 2022

Our deepest condolences on the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.

September 2022

Robins Visit to Lifton Strawberry Fields

Robins class were hoping to visit Launceston Library, but unfortunately the local bus didn’t arrive. Instead the…

July 2022