FOLS are a friendly group of parents/carers of children at Lifton. We run several events each year to raise funds to enhance and support the children’s education and experience at the school.
Alice Cottingham – Chair
Laura Winser – Vice Chair
Katie Hewett – Secretary
Julie Lefley – Treasurer
Rachael Mead – Vice Treasurer
Laura Stainer
Wendy Broadhurst Eselby
Chloe Worsfold
Aubrey Tithecott
Lauren Creber
Welcome to FOLS (Friends of Lifton School). The aim of FOLS is to work with our school to promote a sense of partnership between parents, teachers and the wider community and to provide extra resources to enhance the education of the children. Here at Lifton Community Academy we are proud to have an active FOLS Committee which helps to enrich your child’s school experience and provide much needed resources.
Each year FOLS works hard with the support of the parents/guardians to raise money to subsidise school trips for all the children. This enables more trips to go ahead and makes them more affordable for our school community, and the children love the various experiences these trips provide. FOLS also provides resources to the school throughout the year to ensure the children have everything they need for their learning journeys.
Our Fundraising events include regular discos and seasonal Fayres throughout the year along with varied bake sales and events tied to special occasions. We are always looking for new members if you think you might be able to offer any help or volunteer at our larger events. We as a school are lucky to have a list of regular volunteers without whom these events wouldn’t be possible, but we are always looking for as much help as can be found.
FOLS holds regular meetings to map out future events, brainstorm ideas and consider any changes to past events to make improvements going forward. Our meetings are an informal get together where you can voice opinions/ideas and get to know other parents.
If you have any more questions about FOLS, would like to get involved or want to share some ideas or feedback please email Lifton admin at lifton@lapsw.org who will be able to put you in touch with a committee member.