All children are expected to wear the school uniform. Uniform can be ordered from our supplier via their website:
It is not compulsory to purchase uniform with logos from our supplier.
All children at Lifton are expected to have a tidy appearance. The school expects all children to dress smartly and for hairstyles to be appropriate and of a natural colour. Extreme styles, including excessive shaving/tramlines, shaving patterns and mohican or mowhawk styles are not acceptable. The school reserves the right to ask parents to restyle inappropriate hairstyles. Makeup and nail varnish is not permitted.
In bad weather, a change of shoes for indoors is encouraged. (Pupils are allowed to wear their PE trainers indoors if necessary occasionally).
PE Kit (from Summer Term for reception children)
All clothing MUST be labelled with the child’s name. Rings, necklaces and other jewellery can be dangerous in play and should not be worn to school at all. Although studs or sleepers are permitted, exposed earrings cannot be worn during PE lessons and must be removed or covered with tape. Long hair must be tied up or plaited in school or during PE lessons, including swimming. Games are seen as an important part of the school curriculum and as such we expect all children to participate. Participation is dependent on having suitable kit. Children will not be allowed to take part in their normal school clothing. However, if illness prevents your child’s participation, then please ensure that a covering note is sent to the class teacher.